Day 52 Since Starting Foundation of Our New Home Construction

The framers were back early this week. They have finished the second floor walls. The trusses were supposed to be delivered this week, but there is a delay from the truss company. They won’t be delivered until next week.


View from master bedroom. Closet to the left. Bathroom straight. Landing area to the right.

In the meantime the framers are starting the floors on another house and will be back at ours next week to work on the trusses.

Last week, I had mentioned that one of the footings was off for the covered patio. The brace for the post was sitting off of the footing. This was fixed last week by the foundation guy. Everyone is still saying that it’s not load bearing and just supportive, but I’m not sure why we need it if it’s not necessary. My thought is if it’s not needed we might as well get rid of it.


Footing with more concrete added. The light grey is the new stuff and you can see where the post was hanging off the old footing.


Eugene New Home Builder in Rain

As was my fear, the rains have come. We went by the house yesterday evening after it rained and there was standing water on the floors. Part of me knows that homes are built in the Oregon winter, so it shouldn’t be a problem; but another part of me cringes inside looking at all that wet wood. It looks like the weather is supposed to clear up next week, so hopefully the forecast stay clear.

Looking Back at Oregon Home Demolition

Watching the house go up has been a lot of fun and hard to imagine that only a few months ago there was an abandoned house there. Once framing started it seemed like every day something new was happening. It was easy to forget all the work that had already happened to get to this point. For months people were asking how things were going with not much to show for it.

From choosing a builder to preparing the lot for the home build there was a lot of preparation that had to happen to get the lot ready for construction. Below is a 60 second video showing the demolition of the previous house.

Hopefully, next week’s update comes with trusses! We’re looking forward to it and hopefully you are too! Thanks for following, and if you haven’t had a chance to sign up for email updates be sure to do it today so you don’t miss out on future updates.